Learn Basic Algebra Online: Algebra Lessons for Beginners | BITDEGREE


What Will You Learn?

  • How to use variables, grouping symbols, equations in algebra
  • How to turn words into symbols
  • How to turn sentences into equations
  • How to use a 3 step problem solving plan for word problems


  • Arithmetic basics
  • Fraction basics
  • Factors basics
  • Mathematics basics
  • Pre-algebra


It doesn’t matter if you are a high school or a college student, if you want to learn basic algebra fast, you can join this Beginning Algebra course. These basic algebra lessons are mostly an introduction to algebra course, so there are only a few requirements, such as you have to know arithmetic, fractions, factors, and pre-algebra. If you have these basics, then join this basic algebra tutorial for beginners!

Why should you learn algebra basics?

You might hear from some people that basic algebra is not useful when you are outside of school, so why learn algebra? The truth is quite different, especially if you are looking forward to such fields as Statistics, Data Analysis, Data Science, Engineering, Economics, and more. Learning basic algebra has a bit more advantages than simple maths, such as:

It can help solve problems graphically, something that usual mathematics cannot, and you can use it with real-life issues, such as choosing a phone or insurance plan;

It can help you with logical thinking and reasoning, so if you want to be a person who stops, looks at all outcomes and chooses the best one, algebra basics can help you here;

It can help you describe what words cannot: if you ever wanted to explain various phenomena like gravity, population growth, or others, algebra gives you a way to do it.

If you move over to other, even more practical reasons, a lot of times, beginner algebra is a prerequisite for different courses. For example, if you want to learn statistics, you will have to know basic algebra that you will get in this introduction to algebra for beginners course.

And sure, algebra might look confusing as you add more and more letters to your equations, but that simplifies them instead of complicating them. You learn to see patterns underneath common problems which can help you immensely in your future.

Learn basic algebra online: take these basic algebra lessons

If you are thinking about how to learn algebra fast, look no further: this course is only a little over an hour long and can teach all the basic algebra you need to know. Even though this is a video tutorial, I encourage you to pause and take the time to try to do the exercises together with me. Each lecture will build upon the last one so little by little you will go from introduction to algebra to fully mastering algebra basics. This is what we are going to explore:

Working with variables and their expressions;

Learning grouping symbols, nested grouping, expressions without grouping symbols;

Learning about equations and formulas;

Translating words into symbols: how you can mark up different words so you can later understand them in equations;

Translating sentences and problems into equations: how you can mark up your sentences and problems so they would form a mathematical equation you can solve;

Using 3 step problem solving plan that will help with word problems.

These algebra lessons for beginners might sound complicated, but do not worry: I will explain everything gradually, so with each basic algebra lesson, you will know a little more. After a little after one hour, you will know your algebra basics, and you will be done with this introduction to algebra (if you choose to enroll in it, of course). So, let’s make learning algebra for beginners fun!

Stop asking "how can I learn algebra?" and join my course!



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